Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie List 2011: 12.) Cedar Rapids

Cedar Rapids
Kind of tired right now, so I'll cut right to the chase.  Really enjoyed this one.  Which is nice because I had been looking forward to seeing it... though I suppose I was afraid that all the funny parts would have popped up in the previews.  And a lot of them did, but still, a quality comedy nonetheless.  I think the thing that I liked about it most was the tone.  And the feel.  It was just a fun movie- didn't take itself too seriously.  It seemed like the filmmakers were aiming for a solid, good time and that's where it hit.  For the most part anyway.  There were times, particularly at the beginning where the characters- especially Ed Helms' Tim Lippe- started to veer way too close to outlandish caricature.  Could anyone be as childishly ignorant of the world as Lippe?  So idiotic... so clueless?  At times, his character came off as grating.  But then, just as quickly as the film started to lose me, it managed to draw me back in.  How?  Other than being fun, I think the secret to the movie's quality was that it mixed in just enough earnestness and believability in the main characters to keep it grounded.  There was something... I dunno...sincere about Lippe as well.  His goody-goody persona was never over-the-top but balanced just well enough with the annoying parts to make him a likable enough character.  And as the movie went on, I found myself less and less bothered by him.  And, as such, I was able to enjoy the movie more and more.  

Another thing to like about Cedar Rapids was the strong supporting cast- and by that I mean both the characters and the actors portraying them.  John C. Reilly was awesome.  He nailed the "that guy"role- the guy who constantly and purposefully  steps over the line, but really has a heart of gold.  He's an idiot, but he's our idiot.  I'm not sure Reilly has ever been better in a comedy.  His timing was fantastic.  The way he dove into the role... it was great.  And he was matched step-for-step by Anne Heche as the firecracker insurance insurance agent attending the conference in Cedar Rapids primarily because she wants an escape from her life back home.  Heche plays the role with an easy coolness and charm.  You can't help but want to hang out with her character.  Her character is effortlessly fun and Heche proves to be a real asset to the film.  In addition to Heche and Reilly, Isiah Whitlock as not-quite-as-up-tight-but-damn-close fellow insurance agent Ronald and Alia Shawkat as small-town prostitute Bree both add an element of fun to the film.  So as far as the casting and performances go...well done, folks.

In fact, there's not really a lot to complain about with the movie.  I was thoroughly entertained and that, of course, is my main criteria for a decent movie.  I actually did laugh out loud several times.  Which was nice.  That said, yeah, it wasn't a perfect movie.  The story was- at times- ridiculous.  But if you can hang with it through those times, and can get through some of Lippe's more annoying traits, a good time will be waiting.  I definitely enjoyed it.  But then again, I'm kind of a sucker for quirky, earnest-yet-outrageous comedies.  So as far as that goes, this one was a winner.

Grade: A

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