Thursday, January 13, 2011

Notes and Opinions 2011: 1.) Blog Legend

Ok, so here is an explanation in case any of you are new to the party.  In 2007, 2009, 2010, and now 2011, my brother-in-law, a GM (I believe) in the AMC Theater company hooks me up with one of the 12 (I think) friends and family passes he has the right to give away.  The pass is good at any AMC Theater (Kerasotes and Loews now too) in the country and I am able (plus one guest) to see any and as many movies I'd like for the year the pass is valid, for free.  Yeah sweet deal.  I love me some movies and I try to take advantage of this gift as often as possible.  (The goal is ALWAYS 100... but I've only managed a record of 58- last year).  So since I like movies and I have opinions about them I decided to write some reviews and post them on Facebook.  I should say "reviews".  These have been basically a stream of thoughts about the movies I've seen... did I like them, why/why not and a letter grade.  Mostly write about plot stuff and performances.  And I'm sure these things read as pretty juvenile.   I occasionally tackle shooting style and script, but really it's just to detail why I did or didn't like a movie.  Nothing fancy.  Oh, also, I have no film study experience and I'm not generally looking at movies through that lens or through the lens of movies as artwork.  My philosophy is this:  a movie's number one priority- for me- is to entertain. The biggest sin a movie can commit is to be boring.  A shitty movie from a technical aspect that is entertaining is probably better in my mind than an art piece that is duller than all get out.  I don't go to movies for artistic study.  So yeah, I see movies, and then I write about them.  It usually takes between 30 mins to an hour to write these things.  And that's at the most.  And that's also because I'm prone to rambling.  I don't generally pay attention to whether all the writing is technically and grammatically correct.  And I try to write in a conversational style.  You don't like it?  Don't read it.  Also, you may think I'm wrong or stupid or whatever.  Fine, you can think that, but what I'm hoping to convey is that this is MY opinion on these flicks.  I'm not wrong.  Because this is just how I feel.  Feel free to disagree.  Feel free to comment about how you agree or disagree.  I AM interested in other people's takes.  What I'm not interested in is being told I'm an idiot because I like or didn't like a movie or I'm an idiot because of why I liked or didn't like a movie.  I'm an idiot for a lot of reasons, but really this is just my opinion.  Also, I don't want anyone to decide they don't want to see a movie based on what they see here.  You really should judge a movie for itself.  If you find yourself agreeing with my tastes then over time this may help you decide whether a movie jumps or slides in priority.  But see it all the same.  And let me know what you think. I'd be flattered if you care about what I write, but it's basically a meaningless hobby for me.   Go see the movies you want to see and never feel badly about what you like or don't like.  Just trust your gut feeling on it.    So yeah there is all my disclaimer crap... the real reason for the disclaimers... I'm a little chicken shit who knows I don't know enough to hack it here on any valid level.  But here I am all the same. 

Now on to what the titles of the posts mean... because this is all new from my Facebook review years.

Movie List 2011: refers to movies I've seen in theaters and most likely using the pass.  I know and have known others who have had the pass at the same time as me and it usually devolves into a contest to see who has seen more.  I haven't lost yet.  So this is an easy way to keep track of that.

New (to me) in 2011:  movies I'm seeing for the first time this year on DVD or Netflix streaming.  I'm not sure how many of these there will be.. last year I only saw something like 5 or 6 in the comfort of my or someone else's home.

Old Favorites:  I'm also- in theory- going to try and re-watch some of my favorite movies.  Here I'd tell you why I thought the movie was so damn awesome.  These are definitely recommendations for what they are worth.

Notes and Opinions:  This would be my take on stuff like the Oscars, favorite actors, industry stuff... I mean if I ever decide to write anything about any of that stuff.  I generally like to think of who I would have win the Oscars if I were King of the Academy.  That stuff may or may not appear here.  Depending on how much I really want to put out there... because really... who cares what I think.. I do... and I may want to look back at it from time to time so maybe it is worth writing down.  

So that's the admin stuff.  I hope you aren't too frustrated with it... or hell bored...  I mean if you are/were why bother reading it.  Also please let me know what you like and/or a movie or two or three that you'd think I'd like based on what I'm writing.  I love getting recs even if I end up disagreeing with them.  It helps me get to know you and your tastes... never a bad thing.  So yeah...  Enjoy?  I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. ok... maybe WHY I like or dislike a movie does make me an idiot. Hmmm.
